Source code for hveto.cli.cache_events

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Joshua Smith (2016)
# This file is part of the hveto python package.
# hveto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# hveto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with hveto.  If not, see <>.

"""Create a (temporary) cache of event triggers for analysis by `hveto`

This method will apply the minimal SNR thresholds and any frequency cuts
as given in the configuration files

import h5py
import os
import multiprocessing
import sys
import warnings

from pathlib import Path

from astropy.table import vstack

from import (
from gwpy.segments import (

from gwdetchar import cli

from .. import (__version__, config)
from ..triggers import (
from ..utils import write_lal_cache

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'

IFO = os.getenv('IFO')

# set up logger
PROG = ('python -m hveto.cli.cache_events' if sys.argv[0].endswith('.py')
        else os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
LOGGER = cli.logger(name=PROG.split('python -m ').pop())

# -- parse command line -------------------------------------------------------

def _abs_path(p):
    return Path(p).expanduser().resolve()

[docs]def create_parser(): """Create a command-line parser for this entry point """ parser = cli.create_parser( prog=PROG, description=__doc__, version=__version__, ) # gwdetchar standard arguments/options cli.add_gps_start_stop_arguments(parser) cli.add_ifo_option(parser, required=IFO is None, ifo=IFO) cli.add_nproc_option(parser, default=1) # custom options parser.add_argument( '-f', '--config-file', action='append', default=[], type=_abs_path, help=('path to hveto configuration file, can be given ' 'multiple times (files read in order)'), ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--primary-cache', default=None, type=_abs_path, help='path for cache containing primary channel files', ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--auxiliary-cache', default=None, type=_abs_path, help=('path for cache containing auxiliary channel files, ' 'files contained must be T050017-compliant with the ' 'channel name as the leading name parts, e.g. ' '\'L1-GDS_CALIB_STRAIN_<tag>-<start>-<duration>.' '<ext>\' for L1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN triggers'), ) parser.add_argument( '-S', '--analysis-segments', action='append', default=[], type=_abs_path, help=('path to LIGO_LW XML file containing segments for ' 'the analysis flag (name in segment_definer table ' 'must match analysis-flag in config file)'), ) parser.add_argument( '--append', action='store_true', default=False, help=('append to existing cached event files, otherwise, ' 'start from scratch (default)'), ) # output options pout = parser.add_argument_group('Output options') pout.add_argument( '-o', '--output-directory', default=os.curdir, type=_abs_path, help='path of output directory, default: %(default)s', ) # return the parser return parser
# -- main code block ----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main(args=None): """Run the cache_events tool """ parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args=args) ifo = args.ifo start = int(args.gpsstart) end = int(args.gpsend) duration = end - start"-- Welcome to Hveto --")"GPS start time: %d" % start)"GPS end time: %d" % end)"Interferometer: %s" % ifo) # -- initialisation ------------------------------- # read configuration cp = config.HvetoConfigParser(ifo=args.ifo), args.config_file))"Parsed configuration file(s)") # format output directory outdir = args.output_directory outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)"Working directory: {}".format(outdir)) trigdir = outdir / 'triggers' trigdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # get segments aflag = cp.get('segments', 'analysis-flag') url = cp.get('segments', 'url') padding = cp.getfloats('segments', 'padding') if args.analysis_segments: segs_ =, gpstype=float) analysis = segs_[aflag] span = SegmentList([Segment(start, end)]) &= span analysis.known &= span analysis.coalesce() LOGGER.debug("Segments read from disk") else: analysis = DataQualityFlag.query(aflag, start, end, url=url) LOGGER.debug("Segments recovered from %s" % url) analysis.pad(*padding) livetime = int(abs( livetimepc = livetime / duration * 100."Retrieved %d segments for %s with %ss (%.2f%%) livetime" % (len(, aflag, livetime, livetimepc)) snrs = cp.getfloats('hveto', 'snr-thresholds') minsnr = min(snrs) # -- utility methods ------------------------------ def create_path(channel): ifo, name = channel.split(':', 1) name = name.replace('-', '_') return trigdir / "{}-{}-{}-{}.h5".format(ifo, name, start, duration) def read_and_cache_events(channel, etg, cache=None, trigfind_kw={}, **read_kw): cfile = create_path(channel) # read existing cached triggers and work out new segments to query if args.append and cfile.is_file(): previous = str(cfile), path='segments', format='hdf5', ).coalesce() new = analysis - previous else: new = analysis.copy() # get cache of files if cache is None: cache = find_trigger_files(channel, etg,, **trigfind_kw) else: cache = list(filter( lambda e:, cache, )) # restrict 'active' segments to when we have data try: &= cache_segments(cache) except IndexError: = type( # find new triggers try: trigs = get_triggers(channel, etg,, cache=cache, raw=True, **read_kw) # catch error and continue except ValueError as e: warnings.warn('%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, str(e))) else: path = write_events(channel, trigs, new) try: return path, len(trigs) except TypeError: # None return def write_events(channel, tab, segments): """Write events to file with a given filename """ # get filename path = create_path(channel) h5f = h5py.File(str(path), 'a') # read existing table from file try: old =["triggers"], format="hdf5") except KeyError: pass else: tab = vstack(old, tab) # append event table tab.write(h5f, path="triggers", append=True, overwrite=True) # write segments try: oldsegs =, path="segments", format="hdf5") except KeyError: pass else: segments = oldsegs + segments segments.write(h5f, path="segments", append=True, overwrite=True) # write file to disk h5f.close() return path # -- load channels -------------------------------- # get primary channel name pchannel = cp.get('primary', 'channel') # read auxiliary cache if args.auxiliary_cache is not None: acache = [e for c in args.auxiliary_cache for e in read_cache(str(c))] else: acache = None # load auxiliary channels auxetg = cp.get('auxiliary', 'trigger-generator') auxfreq = cp.getfloats('auxiliary', 'frequency-range') try: auxchannels = cp.get('auxiliary', 'channels').strip('\n').split('\n') except config.configparser.NoOptionError: auxchannels = find_auxiliary_channels(auxetg, start, ifo=args.ifo, cache=acache) # load unsafe channels list _unsafe = cp.get('safety', 'unsafe-channels') if os.path.isfile(_unsafe): # from file unsafe = set() with open(_unsafe, 'rb') as f: for c in'\n').split(b'\n'): if c.startswith(b'%(IFO)s'): unsafe.add(c.replace(b'%(IFO)s', ifo)) elif not c.startswith('%s:' % ifo): unsafe.add('%s:%s' % (ifo, c)) else: unsafe.add(c) else: # or from line-seprated list unsafe = set(_unsafe.strip('\n').split('\n')) unsafe.add(pchannel) cp.set('safety', 'unsafe-channels', '\n'.join(sorted(unsafe))) LOGGER.debug("Read list of %d unsafe channels" % len(unsafe)) # remove duplicates auxchannels = sorted(set(auxchannels)) LOGGER.debug("Read list of %d auxiliary channels" % len(auxchannels)) # remove unsafe channels nunsafe = 0 for i in range(len(auxchannels) - 1, -1, -1): if auxchannels[i] in unsafe: LOGGER.warning("Auxiliary channel %r identified as unsafe and has " "been removed" % auxchannels[i]) auxchannels.pop(i) nunsafe += 1 LOGGER.debug("%d auxiliary channels identified as unsafe" % nunsafe) naux = len(auxchannels)"Identified %d auxiliary channels to process" % naux) # -- load primary triggers -------------------------"Reading events for primary channel...") # read primary cache if args.primary_cache is not None: pcache = [e for c in args.primary_cache for e in read_cache(str(c))] else: pcache = None # get primary params petg = cp.get('primary', 'trigger-generator') psnr = cp.getfloat('primary', 'snr-threshold') pfreq = cp.getfloats('primary', 'frequency-range') preadkw = cp.getparams('primary', 'read-') ptrigfindkw = cp.getparams('primary', 'trigfind-') # load primary triggers out = read_and_cache_events(pchannel, petg, snr=psnr, frange=pfreq, cache=pcache, trigfind_kw=ptrigfindkw, **preadkw) try: e, n = out except TypeError: e = None n = 0 if n:"Cached %d new events for %s" % (n, pchannel)) elif args.append and e.is_file():"Cached 0 new events for %s" % pchannel) else: message = "No events found for %r in %d seconds of livetime" % (pchannel, livetime) LOGGER.critical(message) # write primary to local cache pname = trigdir / '{}-HVETO_PRIMARY_CACHE-{}-{}.lcf'.format( ifo, start, duration, ) write_lal_cache(str(pname), [e])'Primary cache written to {}'.format(pname)) # -- load auxiliary triggers -----------------------"Reading triggers for aux channels...") counter = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) areadkw = cp.getparams('auxiliary', 'read-') atrigfindkw = cp.getparams('auxiliary', 'trigfind-') def read_and_write_aux_triggers(channel): if acache is None: auxcache = None else: ifo, name = channel.split(':') match = "{}-{}".format(ifo, name.replace('-', '_')) auxcache = [e for e in acache if Path(e).name.startswith(match)] out = read_and_cache_events( channel, auxetg, cache=auxcache, snr=minsnr, frange=auxfreq, trigfind_kw=atrigfindkw, **areadkw) try: e, n = out except TypeError: e = None n = 0 # log result of load with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 tag = '[%d/%d]' % (counter.value, naux) if e is None: # something went wrong LOGGER.critical(" %s Failed to read events for %s" % (tag, channel)) else: # either read events or nothing new LOGGER.debug(" %s Cached %d new events for %s" % (tag, n, channel)) return e # map with multiprocessing if args.nproc > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.nproc) results =, auxchannels) pool.close() # map without multiprocessing else: results = map(read_and_write_aux_triggers, auxchannels) acache = [x for x in results if x is not None] aname = trigdir / '{}-HVETO_AUXILIARY_CACHE-{}-{}.lcf'.format( ifo, start, duration, ) write_lal_cache(str(aname), acache)'Auxiliary cache written to {}'.format(aname)) # -- finish ----------------------------------------'Done, you can use these cache files in an hveto analysis by ' 'passing the following arguments:\n\n--primary-cache {} ' '--auxiliary-cache {}\n'.format(pname, aname))
# -- run code ----------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()