Source code for hveto.html

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Joshua Smith (2016-)
# This file is part of the hveto python package.
# hveto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# hveto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with hveto.  If not, see <>.

"""HTML utilities for hveto

import os.path
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import wraps

from MarkupPy import markup

from import html as gwhtml
from gwpy.time import tconvert

from ._version import get_versions

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'
__credits__ = 'Josh Smith, Joe Areeda, Alex Urban'

# -- HTML construction --------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def wrap_html(func): """Decorator to wrap a function with `init_page` and `close_page` calls This allows inner HTML methods to be written with minimal arguments and content, hopefully making things simpler """ @wraps(func) def decorated_func(ifo, start, end, *args, **kwargs): # set page init args td = timedelta(seconds=(end - start)) initargs = { 'title': f'{ifo} Hveto | {start} - {end} ({end-start}) {tconvert(start)} - {tconvert(end)} {td}', 'base': os.path.curdir, } for key in ['title', 'base']: if key in kwargs: initargs[key] = kwargs.pop(key) # find outdir outdir = kwargs.pop('outdir', initargs['base']) winners = kwargs.pop('winners', []) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # write about page try: config = kwargs.pop('config') except KeyError: about = None else: iargs = initargs.copy() aboutdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'about') prog = kwargs.pop('prog', None) if iargs['base'] == os.path.curdir: iargs['base'] = os.path.pardir about = write_about_page( ifo, start, end, config, prog=prog, outdir=aboutdir, **iargs) if os.path.basename(about) == 'index.html': about = about[:-10] # open page nav = navbar(ifo, start, winners) page = gwhtml.new_bootstrap_page(navbar=nav, **initargs) page.add(banner(ifo, start, end)) # write content page.add(str(func(*args, **kwargs))) # close page with custom footer index = os.path.join(outdir, 'index.html') version = get_versions()['version'] commit = get_versions()['full-revisionid'] url = '{}'.format(commit) gwhtml.close_page(page, index, about=about, link=('hveto-%s' % version, url, 'GitHub'), issues='') return index return decorated_func
# -- Utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def bold_param(key, value, **attrs): """Write a (key, value) pair in HTML as ``<p><b>key</b>: value</p>`` Parameters ---------- key : `str` the element to be rendered in bold value : `str` the explanation/description of the key **attrs HTML attributes for the containing ``<p>`` tag Returns ------- html : `str` """ return markup.oneliner.p('<b>%s</b>: %s' % (key, value), **attrs)
# -- Hveto HTML ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def write_summary( rounds, plots=[], header='Summary', plotsperrow=4, tableclass='table table-sm table-hover'): """Write the Hveto analysis summary HTML Parameters ---------- rounds : `list` of `HvetoRound` the `list` of round objects produced by this analysis plots : `list` of `str`, optional the `list` of summary plots to display underneath the summary table header : `str`, optional the text for the section header (``<h2``>) plotsperrow : `int`, optional the number of plots to display in each row tableclass : `str`, optional the ``class`` for the summary ``<table>`` Returns ------- page : `` the formatted markup object containing the analysis summary table, and images """ page = page.h2(header, class_='mt-4') page.table(class_=tableclass) page.caption("Summary of this HierarchichalVeto analysis.") # make header page.thead() for header in ['Round', 'Winner', 'Twin [s]', 'SNR Thresh', 'Significance', 'Use [%]', 'Efficiency [%]', 'Deadtime [%]', 'Cum. efficiency [%]', 'Cum. deadtime [%]']:, scope='row') page.thead.close() # make body page.tbody() for r in rounds: # link round down page '#hveto-round-%d' % r.n, r.n, target=None, title="Jump to round %d details" % r.n, style='color: inherit;', )) # link name to CIS for attr in ['window', 'snr', 'significance']: v = getattr(r.winner, attr) if isinstance(v, float):'%.2f' % v) else: for attr in ['use_percentage', 'efficiency', 'deadtime', 'cum_efficiency', 'cum_deadtime']: a, b = getattr(r, attr) try: pc = a / b * 100. except ZeroDivisionError: pc = 0. if attr.endswith('deadtime'):'%.2f<br><small>[%.2f/%.2f]</small>' % (pc, a, b)) else:'%.2f<br><small>[%d/%d]</small>' % (pc, a, b)) page.tbody.close() page.table.close() # scaffold plots if plots: page.div(class_='card border-light card-body scaffold shadow-sm') page.add(gwhtml.scaffold_plots(plots, nperrow=plotsperrow)) page.div.close() # card border-light card-body scaffold shadow-sm return page()
[docs]def write_round(round_, context): """Write the HTML summary for a specific round Parameters ---------- round_ : `HvetoRound` the analysis round object context : `str` context for bootstrap objects, default: info Returns ------- page : `` the formatted HTML for this round """ page = page.div(class_='card card-%s mb-3 shadow-sm' % context) # -- make heading page.div(class_='card-header pb-0') # heading page.h5('Round %d, Winner = %s, window = %s, SNR thresh = %s' % (round_.n,, round_.winner.window, round_.winner.snr), class_='card-title', id_='hveto-round-%d' % round_.n) page.div.close() # card-header pb-0 # -- make body page.div(class_='card-body') page.ul(class_='list-group')'list-group-item flex-column align-items-start') page.div(class_='row') # summary information page.div(class_='col-md-3', id_='hveto-round-%d-summary' % round_.n) page.add(bold_param('Winner', page.add(bold_param('SNR threshold', round_.winner.snr)) page.add(bold_param('Window', round_.winner.window)) page.add(bold_param('Significance', '%.2f' % round_.winner.significance)) for desc, tag in zip( ['Veto segments', 'Veto triggers', 'Vetoed primary triggers', 'Unvetoed primary triggers'], ['VETO_SEGS', 'WINNER', 'VETOED', 'RAW']): if isinstance(round_.files[tag], str): files = [round_.files[tag]] else: files = round_.files[tag] link = ' '.join([gwhtml.html_link( f, '[%s]' % os.path.splitext(f)[1].strip('.'), style='color: inherit;') for f in files]) page.add(bold_param(desc, link)) # link omega scans if generated if round_.scans is not None: page.p('<b>Omega scans:</b>') for t in round_.scans: page.p() page.a('%s [SNR %.1f]' % (t['time'], t[round_.rank]), href='./scans/%s/' % t['time'], **{ 'class_': 'fancybox', 'style': 'color: inherit;', 'target': '_blank'}) for c, tag in zip([round_.primary,], ['Primary', 'Auxiliary']): caption = 'Omega scan of %s at %s' % (c, t['time']) png = ('./scans/%s/plots/%s-qscan_whitened-1.png' % (t['time'], c.replace('-', '_').replace(':', '-'))) page.a('[%s]' % tag[0].lower(), class_='fancybox', href=png, title=caption, style='color: inherit;', **{'data-fancybox-group': 'omega-preview', 'data-fancybox': 'gallery'}) page.p.close() page.div.close() # col # plots page.div(class_='col-md-9', id_='hveto-round-%d-plots' % round_.n) page.add(gwhtml.scaffold_plots(round_.plots[:-1], nperrow=4)) # add significance drop plot at end page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-sm-12') page.add(gwhtml.fancybox_img(round_.plots[-1], lazy=True)) page.div.close() # col-sm-12 page.div.close() # row page.div.close() # col-md-8 page.div.close() # row # list-group-item flex-column align-items-start page.ul.close() # list-group # close and return page.div.close() # card-body page.div.close() # card return page()
# reminder: wrap_html automatically prepends the (ifo, start, end) args, # and at least the outdir kwarg, so you should include those in the docstring, # but not in the actual function declaration - the decorator will take care of # that for you.
[docs]@wrap_html def write_hveto_page(rounds, plots, context='default'): """Write the Hveto results to HTML Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` the prefix of the interferometer used in this analysis start : `int` the GPS start time of the analysis end : `int` the GPS end time of the analysis rounds : `list` of `HvetoRound` the rounds produced by this analysis plots : `list` of `str` the `list` of summary plots outdir : `str`, optional the output directory for the HTML winners : `list` of `str`, optional list of channels that won each round context : `str`, optional the bootstrap context class for this result, see the bootstrap docs for more details Returns ------- index : `str` the path of the HTML written for this analysis """ page = page.add(write_summary(rounds, plots)) page.h2('Round details', class_='mt-4', id_='rounds') for r in rounds: page.add(write_round(r, context=context)) return page
[docs]@wrap_html def write_null_page(reason, context='info'): """Write the Hveto results to HTML Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` the prefix of the interferometer used in this analysis start : `int` the GPS start time of the analysis end : `int` the GPS end time of the analysis reason : `str` the explanation for this null result context : `str`, optional the bootstrap context class for this result, see the bootstrap docs for more details outdir : `str`, optional the output directory for the HTML Returns ------- index : `str` the path of the HTML written for this analysis """ return gwhtml.alert(reason, context=context, dismiss=False)
[docs]@wrap_html def write_about_page(configfile, prog=None): """Write a page explaining how an hveto analysis was completed Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` the prefix of the interferometer used in this analysis start : `int` the GPS start time of the analysis end : `int` the GPS end time of the analysis configfile : `str` the path of the configuration file to embed prog : `str`, optional name of the program which produced this page, defaults to the script run on the command-line outdir : `str`, optional the output directory for the HTML Returns ------- index : `str` the path of the HTML written for this analysis """ return gwhtml.about_this_page(configfile, prog=prog)