hveto.triggers module

Trigger I/O utilities for hveto

hveto.triggers.find_auxiliary_channels(etg, gps='*', ifo='*', cache=None)[source]

Find all auxiliary channels processed by a given ETG

If cache=None is given (default), the channels are parsed from the ETG archive under /home/detchar/triggers. Otherwise, the channel names are parsed from the files in the cache, assuming they follow the T050017 file-naming convention.


name of the trigger generator

gpsint, tuple, optional

GPS reference time, or pair of times indicating [start, end), at which to find channels

ifostr, optional

interferometer prefix for which to find channels

cachelist of str, optional

list of files from which to parse channels

channelslist of str

the names of all available auxiliary channels

hveto.triggers.find_trigger_files(channel, etg, segments, **kwargs)[source]

Find trigger files for a given channel and ETG


name of channel to find


name of event trigger generator to find


list of segments to find


all other keyword arguments are passed to gwtrigfind.find_trigger_urls

cachelist of str

cache of trigger file paths

See also


for details on file discovery

hveto.triggers.get_triggers(channel, etg, segments, cache=None, snr=None, frange=None, raw=False, extra_times=None, trigfind_kwargs={}, **read_kwargs)[source]

Get triggers for the given channel